Bisphenol A (BPA) is a toxic chemical that is linked to a number of serious health risks including breast and prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, reproductive problems, neurological issues, heart disease, diabetes as well as a number of other health problems. BPA is known as a xenoestrogen; these estrogen mimics have the ability to bind to the same receptors that estrogen binds to and block the effects of natural estrogen. In this way they disrupt the body’s natural hormone balance.Once in place, BPA is very hard to remove from the body.
The most common places to find this dangerous molecule is in canned foods; plastic water bottles and cups; receipts; movie tickets, and other printed materials where thermal printing is used; dental sealants; soda cans; and anything made with recycled paper like toilet paper and pizza boxes since the paper used could have traces of BPA.
BPA is found in so many common, everyday items that it’s almost impossible to avoid it completely. In fact, over 99% of those tested for BPA have levels well above the amount that has been deemed as normal. Of course, the best way to limit contact with this dangerous substance is to avoid as many BPA sources as possible. If you’re going to eat canned foods, be sure to read the label before buying. There are more and more products being sealed in cans that are BPA free, so chances are you’ll be able to find a good source for safer canned goods. Especially avoid acidic foods like tomatoes and tomato paste in BPA laced cans, as the acidity greatly increases BPA absorption into the food in the can. Also, adding heat to plastic bottles, and canned goods increases BPA contamination as well. Look for bottled water, sodas, juices, etc., in glass bottles and stay away from plastic as much as possible.
By far the best way to stay safe is to not eat or drink anything that’s in a plastic bottle or can. Especially since I have heard that even BPA free packaging is also not good as it has it’s own toxic chemicals that can find their way into our foods. These days the stores I frequent most often have started to ask if I want a receipt or not, so I usually opt to not take one. In case you do need to keep your receipts, be careful not to touch the ink, and just fold it in half and put it in a safe place. Since the bulk of our BPA exposure comes form food packaging and receipts, do whatever you can to avoid these things regularly.
We know that a large percentage of the population have BPA levels off the charts, so what can we do to remove it from our bodies? BPA can be difficult to cleanse from the body, but there are a couple things that have been found to be effective.
First and foremost, using a Far-Infrared (FIR) sauna is the best way to remove BPA. This type of sauna allows heat to penetrate very deeply into the body for a more extensive detoxification experience. These saunas are much more effective than standard saunas and are also more comfortable. It’s been found that after 30 days of using a FIR sauna, 90% of BPA is removed from the body. Of course, these saunas also detoxify us of other xenoestrogens, phthalates, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, etc. In fact, you can easily build a FIR inside your own home for under $100, doing a Google search should bring up the directions to create this. Just sweating heavily on a regular basis, such as during exercise; will help detoxify the body of BPA and other dangerous substances, just not as quickly or as effectively as the FIR sauna. One thing to keep in mind with regards to heavily sweating is that minerals and electrolytes will have to be consistently replaced. Please be sure to add liquid ionic minerals and electrolytes to all of your juices and other beverages, including purified water, you do not want to be deficient in these very important items. I use Trace Mineral Research 40,000 Volts! Electrolyte Concentrate.
Second, it’s been found that if enough iodine is taken it will help eliminate BPA from our bodies. Iodine is a necessary nutrient that most people are deficient in as it is, so BPA overload or not, it’s smart to supplement with this important mineral. For iodine to be effective, it must be taken with its cofactors. So, be sure to take enough selenium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Start slowly, taking only a drop or two of iodine initially, and gradually work up to several drops each day, or about 12.5 milligrams. Since every cell in the body needs iodine it’s important to make sure the body is getting all that it needs. Iodine will not only help the body detoxify BPA, it will rid the body of fluoride and bromide as well. I like to take the Iosol form of iodine.
Please do all that you can to not only avoid BPA; try to avoid canned goods and beverages in plastic bottles whether they are BPA free or not. If you suspect that you have high levels of BPA and other xenoestrogens, be sure to detoxify as soon as you can. If you have any questions or comments about this, please let me know.
About the Author
Troy Pratt is a lifelong natural health enthusiast. After being inspired by his grandfather at the age of 12, he has gone on to study natural health and anti aging for over 3 decades. He is passionate about helping others to achieve great health and fight aging.