Top 5 Myths of Red Light Therapy

Top 5 Myths of Red Light Therapy

Do you question if red light therapy is worth it? Are you worried it might not be safe or effective? Read blow to find some of the most common myths of red light therapy debunked.

  • Red light exposure can burn the skin
    • Related to the confusion between UV tanning beds and red light therapy, a common myth about this treatment is that it will burn the skin. While this therapy does use red light, which most people associate with heat, these lights are specifically designed to dissipate heat, using incredibly fast pulses to create a beam of light that won’t burn or damage your skin in any way.
  • All light therapy is the same
    • The idea that all light therapy is the same could not be farther from the truth. There is an abundance of different forms of light therapy, including red light therapy devices, but also blue and green light devices. Red light therapy devices treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, and scars. Additionally, it has some anti-aging benefits. It is known to rejuvenate the skin while increasing collagen production simultaneously. Red light therapy devices can be used for reducing wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots as well.
  • Collagen production cannot be stimulated through light exposure
    • The beauty industry has told us that collagen production can only be enhanced and encouraged through topical creams or ointments. While some products out there may work, red light therapy has a lot more clinical evidence to support its ability to increase collagen production. Through the increase in collagen production, your skin will appear plumper, tighter, and reduce the appearance of fine line and wrinkles.
  • I can over-expose myself to red light
    • Since red light therapy doesn’t contain any UV light, there are not the same risks associated with overexposure. The only concern with 'overdosing' is that you will see less of a positive effect as your cells become overstimulated. By sticking to the guidelines given to you with your device, you will know that you are getting an effective dose.
  • It will take months to see positive results from red light exposure
    • Every individual and every condition will react differently to red light therapy. How fast you see results can depend on the severity of your condition, your age, your overall health, your immune system health, and ongoing lifestyle choices, such as whether you smoke, use drugs, or drink alcohol excessively. Many studies point to satisfactory results after 8 to 12 weeks of consistent use. For many conditions, including chronic skin disorders, a maintenance program can prevent symptoms from reappearing.


If you’d like to know more about Body Balance System and our Red Light Therapy products, email us at:

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